PaperWritings Blog - Page 2

Studying With Flashcards

How to be Both a Full-time Student and a Part-time Worker?

Written by: Jeffry Jones at 27 May 2015

There are so many ways to earn money as a student. But what if you want to combine studying and working to get more than just some pocket money? Let’s take a look at some ideas and tips we have to help you succeed in both studying and working. We are ready to show you…

Organized Work Space

Passing a Class with Minimum Effort

Written by: Jeffry Jones at 08 Apr 2015

College life is full of so many opportunities. So many of these opportunities go beyond just studying and going to class. Depending on your college or university, you may have exciting clubs, sororities, groups, sport teams and everything else you might want to join. Now the challenge comes when one tries to combine all the…

College Major Decision

10 Steps to Choosing Your Major

Written by: Jeffry Jones at 21 Nov 2014

  If you are undecided about what to major in, you are not alone. While you don’t have to go into college knowing what you want to do in life right away, it is recommended to choose a major by the end of your freshman year. With so many possibilities at hand, you may feel…

best writing help

6 things every college student should own

Written by: Jeffry Jones at 06 Nov 2014

The start of college is a stressful time and it can keep being stressful if you don’t take the time to sit down and think about the must-have’s to make your life easier. Here is a list of 6 simple and no-brainer things that will significantly ease your college lifestyle.  


A Perfect Structure for a Perfect Essay

Written by: Jeffry Jones at 15 Oct 2014

Throughout your academic life, you are required to write dozens of essays. This task shouldn’t be daunting; in fact, it can be quite easy and pleasurable if you are 100% sure of what you are doing. Yes, you have to develop good arguments as well as persuasively analyze and discuss ideas. But the main ‘secret’…

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Why You Absolutely Need To Celebrate Halloween

Written by: admin at 31 Oct 2013

There is a lot of history to Halloween, but we are not going to go into that. You do not need to know where, how, and when Halloween originated to get the most of it.

Your Right To Know: Immigration Rules For International Students

Written by: admin at 28 Oct 2013

If you didn’t come to the United States or United Kingdom to get a well-paying job after you graduate, think twice.