7 things that will make you focused for exams
When the exams come, many students are not going through their best time. Everyone who postponed their studies for the mythical “tomorrow” for six months is now forced to give their best. Such intense demands are exhausting, so it’s time to find out how you can (legally and naturally!) relax and restore your mental health…

5 Cheap Ways to Have Fun Like the Movie Characters This Summer
Who told you that the best ways to have fun with friends in summer require a lot of money? Sometimes, it takes not much more than a gumption and a creative way of thinking. So, come on, let’s think outside the box and find out how to have as much fun as we can and…
Why You Absolutely Need To Celebrate Halloween
There is a lot of history to Halloween, but we are not going to go into that. You do not need to know where, how, and when Halloween originated to get the most of it.

Foreign students in USA, new statistics 2011/2012
Impressive Numbers For A Reason We mean just look at those numbers! There are numerous reasons for why many-many prospective students prefer the States to United Kingdom, Canada or Australia. Some of these reasons are: solid job prospects, flexible immigration rules, how friendly people are, how many internationals are already in the country or the…

Get Scared And Get Productive On This Friday The 13th
That’s why we are going to be giving away 20% (!) discounts for a limited time of 13 minutes during Friday the 13th, at 1:13 PM. Read further for more info on the promotion!